Apostle Dr. Denise Walker is an apostolic and prophetic general in these end-times. God is using Apostle Dr. Denise Walker in this hour to bring healing and deliverance to the body of Christ. Dr. Denise is an internationally sought-after conference speaker who specializes in teaching and training others to operate victoriously in the realm of the Spirit and to function in kingdom principles. She has ministered through local television broadcasts and throughout the United States, the Caribbean, the Virgin Islands, Switzerland, and Europe. She was recently featured as a guest speaker on the Word Network on the Dr. Medina Pullings Show.
Dr. Denise has dedicated her life to the edification of the body of Christ by preaching the uncompromising truth of God’s holy Word. She is a leader in global intercession and committed to raising up an army of prayer warriors for the next move of God. God has placed within her a steadfast desire to see that His people are prepared for the return of our soon-coming King.
Dr. Denise started her ministry career in the summer of 1980 as she began to evangelize throughout her community preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. She served in the U.S. military where she met and married her husband, Apostle Dr. Carlton Walker. She co-pastored alongside her husband in Germany and Switzerland for six years, leading souls to Christ and ministering deliverance.
Dr. Denise began her formal ministerial education training in 1990 at The School of the Prophets under Bishop Nathaniel Holcomb. She received a bachelor’s degree from Dayspring Theological Seminary and subsequently graduated from The School of the Prophets at Dayspring Theological Seminary, where she was ordained as a prophet under the leadership of Drs. David and Vernette Rosier.
Apostle Denise Walker
In 2007, Drs. Carlton and Denise Walker founded Bold As A Lion Family Worship Center, located in Macon, Georgia. They are also the visionaries behind Soaring High, a non-profit organization that assists the community through various outreach projects; one such endeavor is Soaring High Food Bank, which serves over 100 families every month. Their community efforts have been recognized by the mayor of the City of Macon and has led to their appointment as Shalom Zone leaders for the Bellevue Community.
In August of 2015 Dr. Denise received her affirmation and confirmation into the office of Apostle as ordained by Dr. Cynthia Thompson of Jesus People Proclaim Ministry. In the fall of 2016, Dr. Denise received her Doctor of Divinity from St. Thomas Christian University in Jacksonville, Florida. She was recognized by the Gospel Choice Awards as one of the Top 20 Most Influential Leaders in Middle Georgia and honored with the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award under the leadership of President Barack Obama in 2016.
Dr. Denise is the founder of Karar International Prophetic Dance Ministry where adults and youth are taught discipline, character development, deliverance, and the love of Christ through the Arts. Karar has been blessed to minister in such places as Anguilla, Trinidad, St. Thomas, Florida, California, Virginia, and Atlanta. Bridging the Whole Woman Conference was also started by Dr. Denise. Women from all walks of life come together to receive a fresh, apostolic and prophetic impartation, inner healing, and dominion power at this international conference. Each year, strongholds are completely broken and destroyed in the presence of God’s glory.
Dr. Denise walks in an anointing that has brought deliverance and has propelled her forward to new dimensions in Christ. The influence on her life has inspired many, impacted the lives of many, and has opened doors of honor. Dr. Denise lives her life with integrity and purpose and is totally submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and to her husband of 38 years. Dr. Denise is also a loving and devoted mother of three and grandmother of two.